- The site began in 2001, when I was 14 years old. It was orginally called UK Teen Charmed Fanclub, and it started life
on Geocities. (http://www.geocities.com/rmcat13)
- At the begining, UK Teen Charmed Fanclub only had about 3 or 4 pages- pictures, episode guide for season 1, links and
'fun stuff', which the site still has today.
- I started advertising the site through search engines and other charmed sites, and by the site's first birthday, approximately
1000 people had visited it.
- The site's layout was very basic since I had been using Geocities pre-made backgrounds and had no graphics software.
- That changed in 2002, when a 'whitelighter' emailed me. She introduced herself as 'Jo' (I think) and gave me tips on what
else to add to me site and what to do with the layout. She made me some great graphics and helped me along until the site
was looking great. Sadly, she vanished without a trace after she sent her farewell email, telling me that she had completed
her work and was going to help someone else. (If you are reading this, please email me- I want to thank you).
- At around the same time, because of all the extra graphics the site now had, geocities began crashing, sometimes deleting
pages of the site and refusing access to it for days on end.
- Because of this, the site was moved to Tripod, to it's current home.
- The site continued to grow, and in 2004, I decided it had outgrown its name. UK Teen Charmed Fanclub was renamed and began
a new life as 'Heavenly Charmed', which I felt was a more in-keeping name (especially since fans had been emailing me asking
if we were actually a fanclub).
- Heavenly Charmed has now had over 5000 visitors since it began, as Uk Teen Charmed Fanclub in 2001. Thank you to all the
Charmed fans who have visited us over the last 5 years.
The enter graphic created by 'Jo', my whitelighter. |
The site's old banner. |
One of the site's first banners with it's new name |